
Decentralized Lottery And Timed Trading Platform

A fully transparent and decentralized lottery and timed trading platform built on the BSC network.

Show Lottery Pools Try Timed-Trading

Connect Wallet → Approve USDT Spending → Buy a Ticket!

Ticket Price: 2 USDT  Max Players: 50

Prize: 100 USDT

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To Update

Ticket Price: 10 USDT  Max Players: 50

Prize: 500 USDT

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To Update

Ticket Price: 20 USDT  Max Players: 50

Prize: 1000 USDT

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To Update

Ticket Price: 40 USDT  Max Players: 50

Prize: 2000 USDT

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To Update

Ticket Price: 100 USDT  Max Players: 50

Prize: 5000 USDT

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To Update

Ticket Price: 200 USDT  Max Players: 50

Prize: 10000 USDT

Connect Wallet
To Update
Supported Wallets

Use Trust Wallet, Metamask, or any wallet that supports the BSC network to buy a ticket.

There is only a 3% fee on the prize.

Picking Winner

The app will instantly generate a random number and pick the winner when the number of players reaches the maximum player limit.


Lottery pools that do not reach the maximum player limit after 48 hours will be canceled, and tokens will be automatically refunded to buyers.


Everything from the start, picking the winner, and resetting the lottery pool is executed automatically.